This outreach program was established to facilitate the use of museums for extracurricular activities and art education for children from nursery school to high school. It offers a wide range of support, including work experience opportunities, assistance with various assignments, and museum tours.
This educational program was established to primarily assist junior college, undergraduate and graduate students in their career studies and research in the field of art. It offers internships, curatorial training and the provision of art resources.
This art appreciation program is designed to introduce more people to museums and art. Various events such as lectures, concerts, gallery talks and workshops are held as a part of this program.
Application for event is not necessarily required.
Please read each event webpage for more information.
For School and Group
If your school or group wants to join the program, please fill out the application form below.
Application form for SchoolIf you have any questions about using the program, please contact us below.
Students from Kasumi Elementary and Junior High School visit TFAM
TFAM hosts elementary school students from Hachioji
TFAM hosts elementary school students from Hachioji
TFAM donates free admission tickets for Hachioji children
Museum holds curator internship
TFAM’s Western paintings exhibition opens in Kumamoto, Kyushu
Students from elementary school in Hachioji visit museum
Students from two Hachioji schools tour museum
Chinese goodwill mission visits museum
Museum concludes online art appreciation course for Kyoto high school
Nibukata Elementary School students on art appreciation visit
Students from local elementary school take part in museum’s art appreciation program