The main publications issued by the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum are listed below.
Past publications of the museum are available for viewing in the museum’s art library, of which a number can be purchased onsite at the museum’s Museum Shop or online through the FAM ART STORE.
Exhibition catalogues for current special exhibitions can be purchased at the Museum Shop at the museum or online through the FAM ART STORE. Catalogues of collections, masterpieces and select past exhibitions are also available for purchase.
These catalogues have been published for each of the special exhibitions organized by the museum.
These are catalogues that list the museum’s collected works, including its masterpieces.
MUSE is the Japanese-language research journal of the museum, published to contribute to the advancement of various fields of art history research compiled through extensive studies of our collected artworks. MUSE is also an information tool that collects data on the various activities that take place within the museum. The publication aims to promote networking among museums and researchers worldwide and to serve as a knowledge platform for the benefit of the field.