Portrait of Young Woman Portrait of Young Woman

Late 17th-Early 18th c./Oil on canvas

81.5 x 65.0 cm

On view

Permanent Exhibition: From the Renaissance to the 20th Century—500 Years of Western Paintings

Exhibition period:01 11, 2025 (SAT)03 23, 2025 (SUN)

Permanent Exhibition Gallery 2 in the New Wingof Tokyo Fuji Art Museum

Permanent Exhibition: From the Renaissance to the 20th Century – 500 Years of Western Paintings
Exhibition period: 04 12, 2025 (SAT)06 22, 2025 (SUN)
Permanent Exhibition Gallery 2 in the New Wing of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum

Use of Images



Nicolas de Largillière


List of artworks by the same artist


Exhibiton history

3 23, 2024 (Sat.)~6 23 (Sun.)

Where The Gaze Reaches: Masterpieces from the Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Chengdu Art Museum (Chengdu, China)

11 28, 2023 (Tue.)~2 28 (Wed.)

Vision and Gaze: Western Figure and Portrait Painting from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Nanshan Museum (Shenzhen, China)

8 5, 2023 (Sat.)~11 12 (Sun.)

Faces of Time: Western Portrait Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum National Centre for the Perfoming Arts (Beijing, China)

4 19, 2023 (Wed.)~7 23 (Sun.)

400 Years of Western Figure and Portrait Paintings: Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Shanghai PowerLong Museum (Shanghai, China)

12 27, 2022 (Tue.)~4 5 (Wed.)

Vision and Gaze: Western Figure Painting from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Liaoning Provincial Museum (Shenyang, China)

6 27, 2015 (Sat.)~8 30 (Sun.)

Feast of beauty: 300 years of Western Painting From Baroque, Rococo to Ecole de Paris Yawatahama Citizen Gallery (Ehime, Japan)

4 29, 2015 (Wed.)~6 21 (Sun.)

Feast of beauty: 300 years of Western Painting From Baroque, Rococo to Ecole de Paris The Tokushima Modern Art Museum (Tokushima, Japan)

4 18, 2003 (Fri.)~5 25 (Sun.)

The Great Masters of Art Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka, Japan)

10 12, 2002 (Sat.)~11 17 (Sun.)

Painting and etching of modern France Tagawa Museum of Art (Fukuoka, Japan)

8 10, 2002 (Sat.)~10 6 (Sun.)

Painting and etching of modern France Ueno Memorial Art Museum (Hyogo, Japan)

6 8, 2002 (Sat.)~7 7 (Sun.)

Painting and etching of modern France Takehara Museum of Art (Hiroshima, Japan)

4 27, 2002 (Sat.)~6 2 (Sun.)

Painting and etching of modern France The Tokushima Modern Art Museum (Tokushima, Japan)

10 14, 1997 (Tue.)~11 30 (Sun.)

Masterpieces of Western Oil Painting from the TFAM Collection Hong Kong Museum of Art (Hong Kong, China)

Origin of collections

Provenance: Collection de Blignières Henri Bamberger, fondateur de la banque Paribas, l’achète vers 1870 pour décorer un hôtel particulier des Champs-Elysees, actuel siege due Figaro Madame de Toulouse-Lautrec, nee Yvonne Bamberger, en herite et le donne a Madame de Blignieres, sa couisine par alliance


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