Alexander the Great Restoring the Throne Usurped from Abdolomino Alexander the Great Restoring the Throne Usurped from Abdolomino

c. 1615-17/Oil on canvas

123.0 x 175.0 cm

Use of Images



Bernardo Strozzi


List of artworks by the same artist


Exhibiton history

7 26, 2024 (Fri.)~9 23 (Mon.)

400 Years of Western Paintings – Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum – Shizuoka City Museum of Art (Shizuoka, Japan)

3 23, 2024 (Sat.)~6 23 (Sun.)

Where The Gaze Reaches: Masterpieces from the Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Chengdu Art Museum (Chengdu, China)

11 28, 2023 (Tue.)~2 28 (Wed.)

Vision and Gaze: Western Figure and Portrait Painting from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Nanshan Museum (Shenzhen, China)

8 5, 2023 (Sat.)~11 12 (Sun.)

Faces of Time: Western Portrait Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum National Centre for the Perfoming Arts (Beijing, China)

4 19, 2023 (Wed.)~7 23 (Sun.)

400 Years of Western Figure and Portrait Paintings: Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Shanghai PowerLong Museum (Shanghai, China)

12 27, 2022 (Tue.)~4 5 (Wed.)

Vision and Gaze: Western Figure Painting from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Liaoning Provincial Museum (Shenyang, China)

9 17, 2022 (Sat.)~11 20 (Sun.)

400 Years of Western Paintings – Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum – Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design (Toyama, Japan)

7 16, 2022 (Sat.)~9 4 (Sun.)

Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art (Kumamoto, Japan)

3 19, 2022 (Sat.)~5 8 (Sun.)

Masterpieces of European Paintings From Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Collection Saga Prefectural Art Museum (Saga, Japan)

10 23, 2021 (Sat.)~12 26 (Sun.)

The 400 Years of Western Painting: Masterpieces From Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts (Tochigi, Japan)

7 9, 2021 (Fri.)~8 29 (Sun.)

400 Years of European Paintings: Masterpieces From Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art (Okayama, Japan)

12 15, 2020 (Tue.)~1 31 (Sun.)

How to Read Western Paintings: Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum (Okinawa, Japan)

9 12, 2020 (Sat.)~11 3 (Tue.)

400 Years of Western Paintings: Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Miyazaki Prefectural Art Museum (Miyazaki, Japan)

7 22, 2020 (Wed.)~9 6 (Sun.)

400 Years of Western Paintings: Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Oita Prefectural Art Museum (Oita, Japan)

2 20, 2020 (Thu.)~4 12 (Sun.)

How to Read Western Paintings: Masterpieces from Tokyo Fuji Art Museum The Museum of Modern Art, Ibaraki (Ibaraki, Japan)

9 3, 2019 (Tue.)~10 22 (Tue.)

Masterpieces of European Paintings From Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Collection Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum (Yamaguchi, Japan)

4 29, 2017 (Sat.)~6 25 (Sun.)

The Collection of the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum: East and West Encounters Niihama City Museum of Art (Ehime, Japan)

7 9, 2016 (Sat.)~8 28 (Sun.)

300 years of Western Painting from Baroque, Rococo to École de Paris Nagano Prefectural Shinano Art Museum (Nagano, Japan)

6 27, 2015 (Sat.)~8 30 (Sun.)

Feast of beauty: 300 years of Western Painting From Baroque, Rococo to Ecole de Paris Yawatahama Citizen Gallery (Ehime, Japan)

4 29, 2015 (Wed.)~6 21 (Sun.)

Feast of beauty: 300 years of Western Painting From Baroque, Rococo to Ecole de Paris The Tokushima Modern Art Museum (Tokushima, Japan)

3 20, 2004 (Sat.)~7 11 (Sun.)

L’Età di Rubens Genova Palazzo Ducale (Genova, Italy)

4 18, 2003 (Fri.)~5 25 (Sun.)

The Great Masters of Art Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka, Japan)

10 1, 2000 (Sun.)~12 3 (Sun.)

Masterpieces of Western Paintings from the Renaissance to the 20th Century National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Taipei, Taiwan)

10 14, 1997 (Tue.)~11 30 (Sun.)

Masterpieces of Western Oil Painting from the TFAM Collection Hong Kong Museum of Art (Hong Kong, China)

10 16, 1992 (Fri.)~11 5 (Thu.)

Masterpieces of European Oil Painting: The Paintings in 20th Century from the Renaissance to Impressionism China Art Gallery (Beijing, China)

11 3, 1990 (Sat.)~12 2 (Sun.)

Masterpieces of European Oil Painting Ho-Am Art Museum (Yongin-gun, Kyunggi-do, South Korea)

9 22, 1990 (Sat.)~10 21 (Sun.)

Masterpieces of European Oil Painting Ho-Am Gallery (Seoul, South Korea)

Origin of collections

Provenance: Collection Giuseppe Doria, Gênes Dans le Palais Doria à Gênes, au moins jusqu’en 1780 Collection de Angelis, Savone en 1923 Dans une collection allemande depuis 1930


Literature: C.G Ratti Instruzione di quanto puo vedersi di piu bello in Genova in pittura, scultura ech architettura ecc, 2e edition augmentée, Gȇnes, 1780, pp.311-312 O. Grosso, «Bernardo Strozzi a Genova» Emporium, juin 1923, P.354, reproduit p.350 L. Mortari, Bernardo Strozzi, Rome, 1966, p.203 (considéré comme perdu alors que l’auteur cite l’article de Grosso dans la bibliographie)


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The Official Navigator of the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum is voice-over artist, actress and vocalist Yoko Honna. She narrates the Japanese-language presentation and audio guidance segments of the works of Western paintings on display at our New Wing Permanent Gallery.